How to Write Push Notification Texts


What is Push Notification Text?

Push notification texts, also known as push notification messages or simply push notifications, are brief messages delivered to a user’s mobile device or web browser via an app or website. A short message (SMS) that is sent to your phone number does not count as a push notification. Push notifications appear as a pop-up or banner-style message on the user’s device, typically accompanied by a sound, vibration, or both, to grab their attention. They serve as a direct communication channel to engage and re-engage users, providing valuable and time-sensitive information.

The text of a push notification is the actual message that is displayed to the user. It should be concise, clear, and compelling, aiming to capture the user’s attention and encourage them to take action or engage further. Additionally, push notification texts often include a headline, a brief description, and a call to action (CTA) that directs users to a specific action or destination, such as opening an app, visiting a website, making a purchase, or accessing new content.

It’s important for businesses and app developers to carefully craft push notification texts to provide value to users, avoid being intrusive or spammy, and enhance the overall user experience. Balancing the frequency, timing, and relevance of push notifications is crucial to maintain user engagement and prevent opt-outs or uninstallation.

How to Write Effective Push Messages

Writing effective push notification texts requires concise and compelling messaging to capture users’ attention and encourage them to take action. Here are some tips to help you write engaging push notification texts:

1. Be concise and clear in push notification texts

For the highest conversion rates, craft a push notification that’s 24 characters or fewer.

2. Grab attention with a compelling headline

The headline is the first thing users see, so make it attention-grabbing and enticing. Use action words, ask questions, or create a sense of urgency to pique curiosity.

3. Personalize your push notification texts when possible

If you have user data or segmentation, consider personalizing your push notifications. Use the recipient’s name or reference their recent activity to make the message more relevant and engaging.

4. Create a sense of urgency

Encourage immediate action by incorporating words like “limited time,” “exclusive offer,” or “ends soon.” This appeals to FOMO or fear of missing out.

5. Provide value and benefits

Clearly communicate the value or benefits users will gain by engaging with your push notification. And, whether it’s a discount, relevant information, or an exciting update, highlight what makes it valuable to the recipient.

6. Use persuasive language

Choose words that evoke emotion and appeal to users’ desires and focus on the benefits, outcomes, and solutions your product or service offers.

7. Include a strong call to action (CTA)

Encourage users to take the desired action by using a clear and compelling CTA. Thus, make it specific, actionable, and relevant to the message. Examples include “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” or “Claim Your Offer.”

8. Test and iterate

Continuously test different variations of your push notification texts to see which ones perform better. Thus, analyze engagement metrics such as open rates and click-through rates to refine and improve your messaging over time.

According to a 2021 benchmark report, push notifications have a high opt-in rate across sectors ranging from 45% to 85%.

Why Push Notification Texts are Important?

Push notification texts are important for e-commerce and marketing strategy-mobile marketing because they provide a direct and immediate communication channel. Moreover, they foster user engagement and loyalty, driving conversions. Additionally, they enhance the user experience and contribute to app usage and retention. Push notifications enable businesses and organizations to deliver timely information directly to users’ mobile devices or web browsers in real time. This allows for instant communication, ensuring that important updates, announcements, or time-sensitive offers reach users promptly.

For mobile apps, push notifications play a crucial role in increasing customer engagement, app usage, and retention rates. By sending relevant and engaging push notification texts, businesses remind users about the value of their app, prompt them to open the app, and encourage regular usage. And, this helps to reinforce the app’s presence in the user’s mind and reduces the likelihood of them uninstalling or abandoning the app.

Push notifications are an essential part of any app’s engagement strategy. A solid push strategy will increase loyalty, retention, frequency of use, and even your average session time. It does this purely by offering valuable content to the user.

Unfortunately, push notifications have a reputation for being annoying and ineffective. More and more apps are using push messages, and this has naturally caused app users to become more selective about who they let notify them.

One of the easiest ways to increase your push message click-through rate is by improving the copy – the text of the message itself.

What are Push Notification Examples?

Mobile users encounter different notification campaigns and text messages on their lock screen from different platforms such as social media apps, shopping apps, or marketing channels. There are different types of notifications which vary on a large scale from a notification on an abandoned cart to push campaigns of the apps. Apps use push notifications to introduce a new product or to show the functionality of a product.

Whether you use Android or iOS, notification services may provide you with different types of notifications which include emojis or even GIFs.

Here are some push notification examples:

  • E-commerce:

– “Flash Sale Alert! Get 50% off on selected items. Shop now!”

  • Social Media and Community:

– “You have a new follower on Instagram. Connect with them now!”

  • Finance and Banking:

– “Important: Your monthly statement is ready. Review your transactions.”


What is A/B Testing?

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method used to compare two or more variations of a webpage, app interface, or marketing element, and it determines which one performs better in terms of achieving a desired outcome. By conducting A/B testing, businesses can gather valuable insights into user preferences and optimize their strategies accordingly.

Can You Unsubscribe from Push Notifications?

Yes, you can unsubscribe from push notifications for specific apps or websites.

  1. Mobile Devices (Apple):
    • Go to the “Settings” app on your device.
    • Scroll down and select the app for which you want to unsubscribe from push notifications.
    • Tap on “Notifications” or “Notification Settings.”
    • And disable the toggle switch for push notifications or customize the notification settings according to your preferences.
  2. Mobile Devices (Android):
    • Open the “Settings” app on your device.
    • Tap on “Apps” or “Application Manager.”
    • Locate the app from which you want to unsubscribe.
    • Tap on the app and navigate to the “Notifications” or “Notification Settings” section.
    • And disable push notifications or customize the notification settings as desired.
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