How to Get Testimonials from Clients?

An image showing a conversation between a business and a client, with the client providing a glowing testimonial about the services they received.

What are Client Testimonials?

Client testimonials are statements or comments made by customers about their experiences with a particular product or service. They are a form of social proof that help potential customers make informed decisions about whether to purchase a product or service.

Customer testimonials are a powerful marketing tool for business owners, as they help to establish credibility and trust with potential customers. By showcasing positive reviews and experiences from existing customers, businesses build a positive reputation and attract new customers to their products or services. Testimonials are so effective that when a visitor lands on my testimonials page, they are 218% more likely to convert into a lead.

Customer testimonials take various forms, including written customer reviews, video testimonials, or social media posts. They often include details about the customer’s experience with the product or service, such as the benefits they received or the problems the product solved for them.

What are the Benefits of Client Testimonials?

  • Building trust: Customer testimonies are a powerful way to build trust with potential customers. When people see that others have had positive experiences with a product or service, they are more likely to trust that it will meet their needs, especially in digital marketing.
  • Increasing credibility: Testimonials from real customers increase the credibility of a business, especially if they are specific and detailed. They show that the business has a track record of delivering quality products or services.
  • Boosting sales: Positive customer testimonials influence purchasing decisions and help to increase sales. When people see that others have had positive experiences with a product or service, they are more likely to make a purchase.
  • Improving customer retention: Encouraging customers to leave testimonials help to improve customer retention. When customers feel that their feedback is valued and appreciated, they are more likely to continue doing business with the company.
  • Providing valuable feedback: Testimonials provide valuable feedback that is used to improve products and services. By listening to customer feedback, businesses identify areas for improvement and make changes that will benefit their customers.

How to Get Testimonials from Clients?

To get testimonials from clients, you need to ask the right questions. Great testimonials coming from your loyal customers provide you with new clients.

Ask Multiple Times

It is important to offer multiple chances to give testimonials during a single website visit, for example. If the only way to provide feedback is hidden somewhere in the navigation, it goes unnoticed. Provide pop-up questions to get testimonials.

Add CTAs to several different spots on your landing page, blog, social media, newsletter, etc.

Provide multiple options to make it easy for them.

Give your customers the option to write or film their testimonials for your website.

Personal preference or accessibility makes different methods of submission easier for different customers, so make sure you’re enabling customers to give you a glowing testimonial, no matter what the format.

Do a “social media takeover” where they share their testimonial on your company’s Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn profiles.

Use What People Are Already Saying

When people say nice things and provide feedback through email or even Google reviews or other review sites like Yelp, reach out and get their referral to use their personal recommendations as a testimonial on your website. For example, if you sell a product on Amazon, use Amazon reviews on your website with the permission of the clients.

Testimonial Request Email

Especially small business owners do not spend a lot of time online browsing your website and social media. Create an email template and an email list for your business name and send a personal testimonial request email, especially if you regularly interact with the client. It is also possible to send an automated email after a significant event.

A testimonial request email does not provoke an instant response, which is why you need to follow up with another request later.

Testimonial Form

Collect testimonials easily by implementing a testimonial form on your website.

Make sure that the customer testimonial form is easy to use and has clear instructions so that all customers are able and motivated to use it.

It is possible to combine the form with customer feedback and calculate Net Promoter Score. Make a survey where you ask for feedback about how likely the customer is to recommend you. 

If they give a high rating, take the chance to ask for a testimonial. You are likely to get a glowing testimonial from someone who already stated that they are a happy with your service.

Text Messages

It is not unusual for companies to ask for feedback via text messages, so including a testimonial request in a text message is an option.

People are probably not very likely to write a lengthy text via text message, but they could give a short positive review or click on a rating.

Social Media Request

Your social media channels might already have some positive testimonials from your happy customers. 

If someone has written positive online reviews about your business on your Facebook page, use that in marketing as well. Just remember to ask for permission before you feature anyone’s personal information in your marketing material.

If you want to receive testimonials on social media, launch a hashtag campaign, organize a competition, or start a conversation where you ask for customers’ experiences.

Ask In Person

Ask for customer testimonials in one of the face-to-face meetings, at the end of a project, or when you are discussing further deals. 

Send a reminder via email or text message later to make sure to turn the testimonials into written text, so that your prospective customers have access to them.

Once you have received them, use testimonials to market your consulting business:

  • Turn them into case studies
  • Add them to your landing pages and sales pages
  • Ask those clients for referrals
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