Numbered paragraph sections for structuring essays and improving clarity
Organize essays with numbered paragraphs for better readability.

How to Write Numbers in a Paragraph: Rules and Tips

AuthorViraj Mahajan
Reading Time5 Minutes

Paragraph numbers in essays follow specific writing rules. These writing rules for numbers in essays are about whether to spell the number or write in numerals in a paragraph. To understand how to write numbers in a section, you must know the essay writing tips for number formatting.

Many style guides for writing numbers, such as APA and MLA. These styles provide academic writing number rules. This guide will teach you why formatting numbers in essays is essential. Discover the general rules for writing numbers in a text or paragraph. Also, know how AI generators like Eskritor and text editing tools for academic writing works.

Student writing on paper while referencing laptop screen
Modern essay writing setup blending digital and traditional note-taking.

Why Is Formatting Numbers in Essays Important?

Proper essay formatting not only demonstrates excellent writing skills but also enhances readability. It keeps teachers and peers on track, leading to a higher judgment of work. A document's visual appeal affects the reader and how they process the information.

It is essential in any writing or documentation that you care about its formatting. Moreover, formatting gives the reader more straightforward access to information. It emphasizes the most crucial words or ideas (in bold, italics, or lists). It also gives the impression of a professional look and an appropriate font for the document.

What Are the General Rules for Writing Numbers in Paragraphs?

A simple rule for using numbers in writing is to spell numbers between one and ten. If there is a number greater than ten, you must write those in figures. Writing out large numbers takes space and could substantially distract your readers. Here are some rules you can follow:

When Should You Spell Out Numbers?

It is usually safe to spell out numbers from zero to one hundred in non-technical writing. In scientific and technical writing, the conventional style is to spell out numbers less than ten. While there are exceptions to these rules, your most significant concern should be to write numbers consistently.

Scientific and technical journals often follow the rule of writing numbers less than ten in full. Fractions or decimals here are an exception. This can be a reasonable approach to maintaining text readability where numbers and figures appear frequently.


  • Six out of eleven experiment participants preferred the color red.
  • Did you know the average snail moves at 0.029 miles per hour?

Fractional amounts of bigger numbers are easily read when expressed as decimals and combined with the word "million" or "billion". You can write a whole number followed by "million," "billion," etc.


  • The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy around 13.61 billion years old.
  • Mexico has a population of nearly 130 million.

When using abbreviated forms of units of measurement, always write numbers as numerals. When writing about money, use numerals in connection with the dollar sign or other currency symbols. You can use infrequent references to money written out as spelled-out numbers plus the word for the currency involved.


  • The weight of an average African elephant is 5,443 kg.
  • The actual cost of medication to patients is sixty dollars.

When Should You Use Numerals?

You should express measurements in numerical form. This applies to decimal points, dimensions, degrees, distances, weights, measures, time, and sums of money, even if they are less than 10. For example, 6 cm, 2 percent, a factor of 4, Chapter 3, Vol. 5, No. 6, Figure 7, etc.

If a unit of measure precedes a specific amount, abbreviate the unit. A space is typically used between an amount and a unit of measure. For example, 35 mm of insulation covered the heat transfer surface of the cylinder.

In the case of scientific notations, apply them to very small or huge numbers. For example, for the number 6,000,000, write 6 X 106. For the number 0.000006, write 6 X 10-6.

How Do Different Style Guides Handle Numbers?

In the academic context, an academician must write and research within a specific set of formatting styles. But this also cements the validity of the researchers. The most popularly accepted formatting styles used are APA, MLA, and Chicago style:

  1. APA: Used mainly in social sciences, psychology, and education.
  2. MLA: The author's page number and name are used first.
  3. Chicago: Employ footnotes or endnotes and incorporate the year of publication.

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

APA style is primarily used in social sciences, psychology, and education. It gives easy structures for citing sources and formatting research papers. In APA style, in-text citations include the author's last name and the year of publication.

The reference list at the end of the paper will include all information regarding sources used in the paper. APA style utilizes specific heading formats. The use of heading levels helps organize content appropriately.

Example of APA style reference on the end page:

  • Pollan, M. (2006). The omnivore's dilemma. New York, NY: Penguin Group

MLA (Modern Language Association) Style

MLA style is widely used in the humanities and cultural studies. The page number and the name of the author take priority. These are in parentheses in MLA style. Instead of a list of references, MLA uses a "Works Cited" page. In MLA, sources are there alphabetically. In MLA style, you frequently need to use italics for books and titles and quotation marks for works of shorter length.

Example of Works Cited (end page):

  • Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore's Dilemma. New York: Penguin Group, 2006. Print.

Chicago Style

The Chicago Manual of Style has wide applications in all other disciplines, such as history, literature, and arts. It also accommodates both notes and bibliography for humanitarians and author-date for sciences and social sciences.

This citation method employs footnotes or endnotes to make citations. The text incorporates the name of the author along with the year of publication. Chicago style is much more flexible in formatting and provides guidelines for different sources.


  • 1 Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore's Dilemma. (New York: Penguin Group, 2006), 368.

You can use reference generators such as Mendeley for easy referencing. Here is a citation style guide by the University of Pittsburgh to help you cite your sources.

What Are Common Mistakes When Writing Numbers in Essays?

You must separate the fractional part from the whole number with a letter space. Two numerals that are set down separately, though separated by punctuation, can distract the reader. In that case, you should recast the sentence so that the numerals do not overlap.

Mistakes in representing your numbers and units of measurement can leave room for misinterpretations of your data. A single space should separate numerals and their units of measurement. Most peer reviewers will not mention something as simple as a missing space. Yet this is easy to fix, and that extra space does make a difference overall.

Person studying from book on laptop keyboard
Student referencing source material with hybrid study methods.

Tips for Formatting Numbers in Paragraphs Effectively

Long paragraphs of content are overwhelming and challenging to read. Keep your paragraphs short to make content more engaging and easier to read and scan. Maintain consistency throughout the paragraph while writing units, measurements, or currency.

  1. Avoid the use of abbreviations for 'numbers', such as 'no' or 'nos.' They can easily be misread.
  2. Separate thousands in four digits or more significant numbers using commas and not spaces.
  3. Avoid writing sets of numbers together in the same sentence.
  4. For grammar and formatting checks, you can use AI tools like Eskritor.

Eskritor AI content writing platform interface
AI writing assistant: multilingual content generation, formatting templates/tools.

How Can Eskritor Help with Number Formatting?

With Eskritor Academic Writer, you can transform your academic writing with human-quality AI. The app lets you write papers with AI to experience human-quality and personalized academic writing.

Key Features

  • Multiple Templates: It provides templates for academic documents such as essays, research papers, reports, theses, and dissertations.
  • Accuracy: It produces accurate, natural, high-quality academic writing with AI precision. It generates content that adheres to multiple style guides.
  • Customization: The tool can adapt to your needs while you start writing formal content.
  • Multilingual: It supports 60+ languages and draft content for non-native speakers. Some languages include Malay, Norwegian, Serbian, Russian, and Lithuanian.

What Tools Can Make Writing with Numbers Easier?

According to a survey by Statista, two-thirds of respondents said they use AI to assist them in writing and research. While Eskritor can make writing with numbers easier, you can use additional tools to enhance productivity and accuracy.

For example, the text editor tool will open up your preferred text file and allow you to modify it. The Text Editor features a toolbar, which you can configure according to your preferences. Note-taking apps let you take and save notes while working on your paragraph.

You can go through some updated citation information or learn something. In that case, you can save key details using a note-taking app. Some of the best apps are Microsoft OneNote, Apple Notes, Google Keep, and Notion. With these apps, you will get access to note-taking tips for essays with numbers.

Grammarly accepts paragraph rewrites, so you can quickly go directly from the first draft to the final document. Grammarly AI identifies your key points and helps you develop those to solidify your thesis.

Overhead view of organized study desk with laptop, notebook
Clean study workspace with laptop, notebook, and planning essentials.

Practical Examples of Number Formatting in Paragraphs

As of now, you might have got the general rule of number formatting in paragraphs. Spelling whole-number words from one to ten and using figures for numbers above ten.


  • There were three people ahead of me and five behind me. I need to buy Christmas presents for 16 people this year.

If two or more numbers are in one sentence, spell words or use figures for easy reading.


  • Our University has six faculties and more than forty departments. Our University has 6 faculties and more than 40 departments.

If there are a lot of numbers in one paragraph, use figures throughout to allow readers to compare them easily.


  • 3 people were ahead of me, and 11 were behind me. The queues for other advisors had 9, 3, and 14 people.


It is essential to understand how to put paragraph numbers in an essay to maintain consistency and accuracy. With Eskritor AI writing assistant for essays, formatting numbers in paragraphs becomes quick. Whether you are following APA, MLA, or Chicago writing style, Eskritor ensures your work has proper formatting. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to use this AI text generator for essay formatting.

Besides formatting, Eskritor has much more to offer. It provides multiple templates by which you can draft anything, from essays to research papers, theses, or dissertations. It is also versatile enough to be an excellent tool for non-native speakers who enjoy its multilingual support.

Frequently Asked Questions

While writing numbers in paragraphs, spell the number if it is less than ten. If the number is more than ten, write it in figure form.

Yes. With the Eskritor AI writer, you can draft accurate essays and research papers. The tool supports 60+ languages and is suitable for non-native English speakers.

The Cornell note-taking method is one of the best note-taking methods. The Cornell note-taking method uses the page to break it up into three sections. There is a left column, a bottom row, and a larger area on the right. You use only the central section for writing and leave the left and bottom blank.